MUSIC SCHOOL – Brunico [Italy]

Refurbishment of Casa Ragen building and extention of  Music School – Brunico , Italy. 2012

Client /  Music School of  Brunico

Authors / BAAS Jordi Badia + MAB arquitectura

Building Typology / Education

Gross floor area / 3.352 sqm

Cost /4.200.000 Euros

Project status /Finalist in restricted competition


The project adapts the existing spaces of the Ragen House to accommodate the new program. The current covering of the court will be replaced by a double skin glass roof supported by a steel structure.
The extension of the School of Music is a compact building covering the area of the competition, leaving the garden as an intermediate space between the two buildings.
The image of the project will be a pure white volume in harmony with the surroundings. This abstract shape will be covered with a white jealousy; because of its simplicity and purity it emphasizes the grandeur of the Ragen house and the buildings that surround it. Inside, the wooden finitures provide warmth to the classrooms and hallways.

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