CEIP BERNAT METGE de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat – Barcelona [Spain]

Nursery an Primary School in Hospitalet de Llobregat .

Client / Gestió d’Infraestructures, S.A. GISA

Authors / MAB arquitectura

Building Typology / Education

Gross floor area / school  of 3.306,07 m²

Cost / 2.700.000 €

Project status /Competition – II phase finalist

 An L shaped building with a two stories façade towards France Street situated on the south/east corner of the intervention area. The placement of the building on the area responds to the following principles: strengthening the  urban fronts towards France street, Passeig de Bellvitge and the pedestrian path; generating  a balance between full  and empty linking public spaces and producing transversal views through the area between the porch;

allowing construction of the project without disturbing the functions of the existing school; good  orientation of the buildings allowing energy savings: good insulation during the winter and sun protection and ventilation during the summer while controlling the shadows  on the green slopes and playgrounds. 

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